Journal Entries

Slowing down

06.29.20. Entry No.1

Like many other people in this world, the global pandemic has taught me a few things. Mainly, I learned to slow down. In normal times, we had learned to adapt to an ever-changing, fast-paced world. Everyone was always on the move– on the way to a job, to meet up with a friend, or to travel to a new city. At college, I was always busy, whether it be studying, socializing, or networking. Outside of college, I was always preoccupied with work, catching up with old friends, or traveling to new places.

The pandemic has evidently canceled all of my travel plans, decreased the number of hours available at the pharmacy I work at, and changed the way we can socialize. So, these past few months I have been able to slow down, take time for myself, and reflect. Here are a few things I’ve been doing for myself:

Cooking with my mom

On the left is a scallion pancake, which is a Chinese appetizer, but in my house we usually eat them for breakfast. It was a lot of work, but the result was really yummy!

On the right are lobster rolls, which if you know me, you know I am a huge fan of! My mom and I made them for Father’s Day. It was pretty easy to make– the hardest part is getting the lobster out.


I try my best to run during the school year, but usually, I am too busy to convince myself to make time for it. This summer I have been able to run more and it’s been really nice. The other day I ran 11.2 miles! I’m trying to work my way up to a half marathon… almost there!


When I was younger, I would spend my summers reading books every day. I don’t read as much as I would back then, but this summer I have read a few good books already. My good friend lent me her copy of Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple and I really enjoyed it.

Chasing sunsets

If you know me, you know that I am a sucker for a good sunset. The photo on the left is taken from the beach when my sister and I went. It was really calm and peaceful that day. The photo on the right is taken from when my friends and I went on a hike, not really expecting to see the sunset in time. It was super pretty and I had even set up a hammock (not pictured) for us to sit in.


During my senior year of high school, I discovered minimalist photography and became intrigued by it; however, my interest in it was very short-lived. For those who are unsure what minimalist photography is, it is a type of photography characterized by its simplicity and spareness. Recently, I have been having fun editing old photos or taking new ones to create minimalist photos.