Life in My 20s, Lifestyle

New city, new job, new friends

Approximately 6 months ago, I moved to a new city for my first job as a post-grad. Change can be daunting, but surprisingly, I didn’t feel anything. I had been through these life changes plenty of times before– switching high schools, leaving my small hometown to pursue a college education in a big-ish city, solo traveling, etc. Perhaps this is why I was so numb to this life change.

This transition was so seamless, that it was almost too good to be true. The move was easy, logistically, since I had movers taking care of my items. The job was off to a great start, although, like most people in their 20s, imposter syndrome was well on its way. It was even easy to make friends since I was part of a program where everyone was in the same boat (fresh out of graduate school and moving to a new city).

I still have my moments, though, trust me. Navigating a new city in your twenties is always an adventure. Navigating life after a major heartbreak is another rollercoaster, too. However, my favorite author once said, “I’m on a rollercoaster that only goes up, my friend.”

Some philosophies that I have embraced in this new chapter:

  • Be comfortable with being uncomfortable
  • You are a sum of the five people you surround yourself with
  • You have not met all the people in your life who will love you